Void Agreement Language

Void Agreement Language: What It Means and How It Affects Your Contracts

Contracts are crucial legal agreements that outline the terms and conditions of a business transaction. However, some contracts may contain void agreement language that can affect the validity of the contract. In this article, we’ll discuss what void agreement language is, how it affects your contracts, and how to avoid it.

What is Void Agreement Language?

Void agreement language refers to terms or conditions in a contract that are illegal or against public policy. When a contract contains void agreement language, it is considered void and unenforceable by a court of law. Void agreement language can be intentional or unintentional, but regardless of its origin, it can lead to serious legal consequences.

Examples of Void Agreement Language

There are several examples of void agreement language that can render a contract unenforceable. Here are some common examples:

1. Unconscionable terms: These are terms that are grossly unfair and one-sided in favor of one party. For example, a contract that requires one party to waive their right to sue the other party, regardless of the circumstances, would be considered unconscionable.

2. Illegal clauses: These are clauses that require the parties to engage in illegal activities. For example, a contract that requires one party to engage in bribery or fraud would be considered illegal and void.

3. Violations of public policy: These are clauses that violate public policy or morals. For example, a contract that requires one party to discriminate against a protected class (such as race, gender, or religion) would be considered against public policy.

How Void Agreement Language Affects Your Contracts

If a contract contains void agreement language, it will be considered void and unenforceable. This means that neither party can legally enforce the terms of the contract in court. Additionally, if one party sues the other party for breach of contract, the court will not enforce the agreement. Instead, the court may declare the entire contract null and void.

How to Avoid Void Agreement Language

To avoid void agreement language, it’s important to understand the legal requirements and restrictions that apply to your business. Here are some tips to help you avoid void agreement language in your contracts:

1. Consult with a lawyer: An experienced lawyer can help you draft contracts that comply with legal requirements and avoid void agreement language.

2. Research legal requirements: Research the legal requirements that apply to your business, including state and federal laws, regulations, and statutes. Make sure that your contracts comply with these requirements.

3. Use clear and concise language: Use clear and concise language in your contracts to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. Avoid using legal jargon or complicated sentences that can be misinterpreted.

4. Review and revise contracts: Review and revise your contracts regularly to ensure that they are up-to-date and comply with legal requirements.


Void agreement language can have serious legal consequences for your contracts. To avoid these consequences, it’s important to understand the legal requirements that apply to your business and consult with a lawyer. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your contracts are legally enforceable and protect your business interests.