Category: blog
Blough Moderates Panel with Paul Preissner
Panel following the lecture “Canonical Work and Stuff” by Paul Preissner with Jonathan Scelsa and Laura Salazar. Pratt UG Architecture, Second Year Eminent Analyst program
Blough & Gans Awarded Case Studies in Design Grant
The team received $50,000 from PennPraxis at Weitzman School of Design to conduct the study, “The Legacy of Walter Segal: Church Grove Community-led Housing and Trust, London.” Run through our Housing Future’s Research Lab, the work will include historical research, analytical drawings and interviews with stakeholders in 2024-25
Blough Speaks on Roundtable at Center for Architecture
Roundtable panel celebrating the book launch of Pedagogical Experiments in Architecture for a Changing Climate. Hosted by the Center for Architecture NYC and sponsored by the Pratt School of Architecture
Blough & Giostra Publish Chapter in Pedagogical Experiments
See the chapter “Solar Sculpting: Housing Morphology and Collective Energy” published in Pedagogical Experiments in Architecture for a Changing Climate
Housing Futures Research Lab Wins Start-up Power Award
A juried prize given at Pratt’s Research Accelerator Open House. In recognition of research that suggests the greatest possibility to become a for-profit start-up or non-profit organization
Blough Named Co-Director of Housing Futures Research Lab
Pratt Institute School of Architecture. Located at the Institute’s newly launched Brooklyn Navy Yard IDC Research Accelerator. See the article in the Brooklyn Eagle
Solar Sculpting Exhibited in IDC Research Show
An exhibition of four funded studios, directed by faculty, that explore contemporary real-world challenges through design prototypes employing new building technologies. Pratt Institute School of Architecture, Siegel Gallery
Blough Exhibited in “Pamphlet Architecture: Visions and Experiments in Architecture”
An exhibition showcasing the 40-year history of the publication and recent works by the finalists for the Pamphlet Architecture 37 open call. ‘T’ Space Rhinebeck
Blough Exhibited in the Group Show “In the Round, On the Flat”
An exhibition of architectural models in the age of the digital image. Pratt Institute School of Architecture, Siegel Gallery. See a vitual tour of the show
Blough Wins 3rd Prize in Pamphlet Architecture 37 Competition
“Domestic Mutations in the Age of the Sharing Paradigm”. Applicants submitted a 16 page sample spread for potential publication in PA 37